Honey Bee haskap bushes |
Borealis haskap bushes |
The honeyberries planted in the Fort Thompson Community Orchard (April 2012) are thriving. We have (20 each) Tundra, Honeybee and Borealis. All are doing fine and no pollination issues. The soil is a pretty average, to a slightly higher clay, than most soils in our area. They seem to like it. Just three miles away, my honeyberries are planted in a much finer sandier soil. They are NOT doing well at all. There are no berries on them at all this year. They are just surviving. I am going to increase their water even more this year and see if that helps. Definitely won't be planting more honeyberries around my place.
Honey Bee haskap berries |
We just picked some of the ripe ones from the Tundra and a few from the Honeybee (May 29/15). Some were ripe enough that they were falling off. Great eating. Only picked about half a gallon. The majority are a bit away yet and on the Honeybee bushes there is almost like a second crop of the berries that are still very green.
Rod Vaughn, Diamond Willow Ministries (www.d-w-m.org), Ft. Thompson, SD
Crow Creek Community Orchard: hunkpati.org/community-initiatives/crow-creek-community-orchard